Sunday, August 5, 2007

Summer Days and Dublin Zoo

This summer has been a total washout. I thought I was being stingy only buying two tubes of factor 50 for the kids this summer. One tube is barely used (I sometimes put it on the kids to fool myself that it is actually needed) and the other lies in its box, taunting me every time I open the medicine cabinet.

Yesterday we went to the zoo and then for a lovely picnic in the Phoenix Park. My husband took a photo of the three kids and I, huddled under golf umbrellas munching soggy ham sandwiches and drinking rain sodden tea from a distinctly musty smelling flask. But we would not budge off the picnic blanket and return to the car. It was like to do so would unleash further downpours and so we waited it out until the sun made another appearance.

We laughed a lot yesterday and after the picnic the kids decided to roll down the hill beside the papal cross. The still humid air was punctured with shrieks of laughter as my husband and I held hands and looked on in pride at our children.

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