Monday, August 13, 2007


Today is one of those funny (unusual funny, not funny ha-ha) days that you just wake up tired. Not the 'when you dont have enough sleep' tired or the 'out of the lash' tired, but just tired to the bone. Tired of doing laundry, tired of walking the dog, tired of answering the door to yet another ten year old boy looking to play with my son, or alternatively six/seven year old girls looking to play with my daughters, tired of watching what I eat in case the two stone I lost come back, tired of cooking, tired of smiling when I want to scream but don't want to scare the kids.

As luck would have it I am going away in a couple of weeks to New York with four other women for a week. My husband is not amused as he has to take the week off work (well, its not as if he loves his job THAT much), and it happily (for me) coincides with the week the kids go back to school after the summer holidays. Never in my extensive years am I so ready for a holiday. Please God let the weather be good, the restaurants fabulous, and the shopping marvellous. AMEN.

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